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Johanna Bianca Rehn
Nov 22, 20221 min read
In the making of Picture Books with kids
I´ve given two workshops lately at the libraries of Bara and Burlöv for kids in ages 5-9. It is such a lovely thing to share creativity...

Johanna Bianca Rehn
Sep 25, 20221 min read
Gallery Weekend of Malmoe
Wow! I am overwhelmed by all the happy visitors this weekend. Rumors have it that about 3000 people visitied Mitt Möllan and our...

Johanna Bianca Rehn
Apr 5, 20221 min read
Jordmoder / Earth Mother
WELCOME To feel the power from the Earth, the Roots, the Mother, our Heritage. JORDMODER /EARTH MOTHER Is the name of the exhibition that...
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